+254 708 765 497 The Green Hub, Kondelle By-pass (behind Arina Primary), Kisumu, Kenya


Boda boda’s (bicycle taxis), street vendors, traders, farmers, garbage collectors, employees, etc. all recognize that a bicycle can make a livelihhod or can save money, but lack of resources often makes its difficult to access to appropriate technology.

CooP-Kenya offers custom-made bicycles, cargo bicycle, trailers, racks, low-tech machinery…. CooP-Kenya also creates employment, jobs and training opportunities (e.g. in bicycle workshop, bicycle tourism, etc.).

To fund these social bicycle interventions and to create employment, CooP-Kenya runs two social enterprises; Bikeventures and The Green Hub. Bikeventures offers bicycle rental and bicycle tours to explore Kenya on a bicycle. The Green Hub designs and produces bicycles, bicycle trailers and other innovative mobility solutions. All profits of these social enterprises plough back to the social bicycle interventions.

Despite promising economic developments and green revolution, still millions of people in Kenya live in hard conditions relying only on agriculture for their livelihoods.Among others, access to local market, low efficiency tool, lack of crop rotation and transformation devices still pose a very big challenge.

A huge challenge but with simple answers. In coop-Kenya we are aiming to spread the knowledge and practice of pedal powered and low-tech devices.

we are proud to offer low-tech bicycle machinery like bicycle powered water pump, bicycle powered degrainer or mill and  bicycle powered thresher.


We are also helping farmer to access low tech agriculture devices such as oscillating hoes, wheel hoes, broad-fork, rocket stoves,